Feminist Opportunities Now (FON) is an AFD-funded project that provides funds to amplify the work of civil society organisations, movements and groups fighting gender-based violence in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The consortium partners implementing the FON project are IPPF Africa Region, Médecins du Monde, CREA, FIDH and EmpowHer.
We are pleased to announce the launch of FON's first call for applications from civil society organizations (CSOs), groups, and movements that are implementing projects in Africa.
FON also supports informal and unregistered groups of activists, networks or coalitions of organizations. We particularly encourage feminist, women- and youth-led organizations that, in their local context, may face significant obstacles in preventing and combating gender-based violence.
The call for applications is open!
- Are you passionate about gender justice?
- Are you a civil society organisation?
- Are you based in the following countries?
- Burkina Faso
- Cote d'Ivoire
- Ethiopia
- Guinea
- Kenya
- Niger
- Do you work to prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV)?
- Do you aspire to strengthen your organisation's capacity to be a dynamic, resilient and sustainable advocate for gender justice?
This call is for you!
Please read the guidelines (Download here) to learn more about the two funding windows of this call, the eligibility criteria, and to see if you are eligible and, if so, if you wish to apply.
FON does not fund
- For-profit organizations
- International organisations [1]
- United Nations agencies
- Government Bodies
- Academic institutions
- Individuals
- Organisations that promote doctrines that entrench gender injustices.
- May 5TH, 2023: Call for applications Open.
- July 3rd, 2023: Call for applications closed.
- May 17th, 2023: First series of information webinars.
- May 31st, 2023: Second series of information webinars.
- July 28th, 2023: Initial Decisions communicated.
To apply, please complete the form(s) below and send to [email protected]
- FORM FOR WINDOW 1 (Download here)
- FORM FOR WINDOW 2 (Download here)
FAQ – You can access it here
HELPDESK – Please send your queries to [email protected] . We will ensure to answer within two working days, latest.
WEBINARS – IPPFAR will hold webinars to introduce FON and the funding windows and answer questions. The webinars will be held on the following dates.
May 17th, 2023: First series of information webinars, to participate register using the below links.
- English Version https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_qqUSVoyjSj6jx-vL-gVCSA
- French Version https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_g5xitL-bTFiW6-LIkZVtzQ
The first webinar resources:
- The Powerpoint presentation - Download here
The Webinar recordings
- English session: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/AP4BP4y3IGFYKp55-k8OZtxy2OT3knP_HrMBH6lTpUWZHxSEu6iI_bqLxseKXPgg.wIzN0emOC337Z3yH
Passcode: nprD0SQ+ -
French session: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/7j7lbOkNMmz-_YYfgTQqXpc7HBe_74BkmFDZ-CsXcgzDuMNGqsee-evCygqtEOtZ.uJ8IPHTJUHlUSCGm Passcode: waqE%v8j
May 31st, 2023: Second series of information webinars.
- English Version https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LOtGC7T9QamKg5TfZ1hqxQ
- French Version https://us06web.zoom.us/s/89430618962?pwd=QkpQdWsvb2hINlZKaW9Demt0TWxRZz09
The second webinar resources:
- The Powerpoint presentation - Download here
The Webinar recordings
- English: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/GvCFmLFd5meJMKmN5Pvszowo8TZa1knPdOWoptq2WwYWDo9SB1d-OYChUrc8AH3S.Kd6PT9s4Ro2K0eV9 Passcode: ?Kaiq5+J
We look forward to receiving your applications and working to amplify change for gender justice!
[1] Locally registered branches and independent from headquarters are eligible.