The objective of the project is to build the capacity of women's movements, via sub-grants and organizational development support, especially for small organizations, often non-registered, to address and respond to gender-based violence.
Feminist Opportunities Now (FON)

Two-thirds of the 1.4 billion living in extreme poverty are women.
Almost 50% of all sexual assaults are against girls 15 years old and younger. Globally, HIV is the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age.

Women’s Integrated Sexual Health (WISH)
Today the world is home to 1.8 billion young people under the age of 25. This is the largest generation of young people, ever, and are a vastly diverse group of individuals.

SPRINT: Sexual and reproductive health in crisis and post-crisis situations
Marginalized communities have the greatest need for sexual and reproductive health services and include young people, sex workers, men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, sexually diverse populations and prisoners.

Safe Abortion Action Fund
Women’s need for reproductive health care is not suspended in a humanitarian crises. One-quarter of people affected by crises are women and girls aged 15-49. In crisis settings there is a heightened risk of early marriage, sexual violence, unsafe abortions and unattended births. Transmission rates of STIs, including HIV, also increase in emergencies whilst access to normal healthcare services decreases.

Frontiers in SRHR Access for Women and Youth
The project objective is to improve access to Abortion Self Care (ASC), youth empowerment, and strengthening the use of digital interventions.

Japan Trust Fund
Marginalized communities have the greatest need for sexual and reproductive health services and include young people, sex workers, men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, sexually diverse populations and prisoners.