| 21 November 2024
About EmpowHER: EmpowHER (Ensuring Inclusive SRHR Delivery for Women, Girls and Marginalised Communities) is a six-year initiative with three key priority areas: Increasing access to quality, person-centred abortion care. Empowering young people to act on their sexual and reproductive rights by expanding access to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). This is delivered through our CSE Centres of Excellence in Ghana, Togo and Colombia. Pushing back against the anti-rights agenda through coalition and movement-building, as well as advocacy work with our Member Associations. This restricted-funded project will support IPPF’s Strategy 2028 and donor commitments to advance the health and rights of women and girls in all their diversity around the world, ensuring that they can decide what to do with their bodies, their lives, and their futures. Donor: Global Affairs Canada Implementing MAs: Bénin (Association Béninoise pour la Promotion de la Famille) Burkina Faso (ABBEF), Colombia (Profamilia), Ecuador (CEMOPLAF), Ghana (PPAG), Guinea-Bissau (AGUIBEF), Kenya (RHN), Mauritania, (AMPF) Pakistan (FPAP), Sudan (SFPA), Togo (ATBEF), Uganda (RHU), and Zambia (PPAZ). Duration: 1st April 2024 – 31st March 2030 (6 years) Total Budget: CAD $48,000,000
| 28 June 2024
CATALYSTS - Shaping our role in catalyzing abortion care for all in Africa
BACKGROUND In the wake of the US Supreme Court’s landmark ruling on Roe v. Wade in June 2022, a group of Africa-focused abortion rights organizations (IPPF Africa Region, Ipas Africa Alliance, Centre for Reproductive Rights Africa, Population Council Kenya and FIGO) came together to discuss the ruling’s implications on the continent and consider the case for an ‘abortion consortium’ that might more effectively protect and promote abortion rights in Africa. Agreeing a consortium could fill a critical gap, the group convened a workshop in Nairobi with a wider network of partners to develop a Theory of Change and map a way forward. Dubbed CATALYSTS, the Consortium set an ambitious and unambiguously comprehensive vision as captured in the Theory of Change and narrative. In the phrase “abortion care for all in Africa”, partners enshrined the consortium’s vision of universal abortion rights and access to high-quality care on the continent. This type of organic consortium on abortion has not yet been attempted. · We are African thought leaders, field builders and a vehicle for driving accountability. · We are a Consortium of the brave with a track record of never backtracking Our solution is powerful, impactful, and led by those doing the work. · We are building collective legitimacy by building an African critical mass that can effectively open doors, advocate more strongly and underpin bolder action. · We are Africa-led: We are decolonizing and reframing the discourse around abortion rights in Africa by centering African perspectives, experiences and voices. The 5Cs – OUR STRATEGIC POSITION IN THE ABORTION SPACE IN AFRICA We aim to be a catalytic partner, working synergistically and reducing the duplication of efforts in our resource-shrinking arena. CATALYSTS aims to facilitate collaboration and weave connections amongst diverse stakeholders at multiple scales in East and Southern Africa. We will be innovative, fast acting, driving a positive movement and serving as a knowledge base and a networking space across the continent. Specifically, the CATALYST consortium aspires to play 5 pivotal roles: Convening and connecting: A DEDICATED space that will serve as a hub for information, resources and discussions related to abortion rights. By providing various spaces and opportunities for interactions, networking and knowledge exchange, CATALYSTS will facilitate meaningful connections and collaborations amongst African actors in the abortion space. Coordinating for Success: CATALYSTS will enable abortion rights actors in each of the eastern and southern African target countries and subsequently across the region to unite their efforts, amplify their voices, and respond collectively to deliver a positive, unified, Africa-led and justice-focused movement. We believe that by coordinating our efforts, sharing resources, and promoting solidarity, CATALYSTS will strengthen the abortion rights movement and enhance our collective ability to protect and advance abortion rights. Cultivating Technical Excellence: CATALYSTS will leverage collective expertise, resources, and knowledge to provide valuable support and technical assistance to organizations working in the abortion rights space. By consistently producing and disseminating valuable information, CATALYSTS positions itself as a trusted source of expertise that contributes to the overall growth and strengthening of the field. Centralizing Research: We aim to be the go-to resource center for up-to-date research, next generation methods, best practices and knowledge related to abortion rights. To position ourselves as a pooling house for credible and valuable knowledge, CATALYSTS will collate and harbor cutting-edge research, engage in collaborative research projects with research centers, academic institutions and universities where needed, and curate and disseminate research outputs. Cumulating catalytic capital: CATALYSTS recognizes the urgent need to advocate with funders to expand and unlock resources for abortion rights- and not just for the usual suspects. We want to help shape the donor landscape by pushing the boundaries on what is considered best practice in feminist philanthropy. We will also do this by bringing traditional and non-traditional donors together to fund in new ways that deliver impact for abortion care. We will do this by launching a donor taskforce. Find out more about CATALYST and join us here.
| 16 March 2023
Feminist Opportunities Now: Eradicating GBV in the world, one flexible funding at a time
Feminist Opportunities Now (FON) is a programme that aims to build capacity of feminist organisations via subgrants to enhance more diverse and resilient Civil Society Organisations when addressing and responding to gender-based violence, inequalities, discrimination and other human rights violations related to gender. International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Region (IPPFAR) is the FON consortium lead, with the other consortium partners being Médecins du Monde (MdM-FR), Creating Resources for Empowerment and Action Inc. (CREA), the International Federation on Human Rights (FIDH) and Empow’Her (EH). The programme is funded by the French Government via the French Development Agency (AFD). The actions of the consortium's member organizations are guided by feminist principles and a strong commitment to promoting human rights and combating inequalities and discrimination, particularly against women and girls. With extensive experience in the themes covered by the program's mandates and complementary expertise, they provide a solid foundation for the program's comprehensive and holistic approach. Where: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Republic of Guinea, Kenya, Mexico, Niger, Sri Lanka. When: 2022-2026 The Challenge Gender inequalities continue to impact half of the world’s population on a global scale and remain one of the primary barriers to human development. The FON Programme aims to tackle these inequalities by addressing several key challenges: Insufficient or ineffective implementation of comprehensive laws, policies, and legal frameworks to combat gender inequalities globally, which has resulted in worsening disparities. Inadequate application of these frameworks has further widened inequalities and increased the vulnerability of women and girls, particularly those with disabilities, living with HIV, sex workers, and individuals of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities (SOGI). The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly exacerbated social and economic issues, leading to a rise in gender-based violence (GBV). Insufficient involvement of people with disabilities (who make up 15% of the global population), LGBTI+ individuals, sex workers, and people living with HIV/AIDS in initiatives to advocate for their rights, resulting in limited participation in preventing and responding to violence. A lack of support for emerging or relatively new Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), many of which are not formally recognized. Despite their enthusiasm and dynamic efforts, these organizations continue to face obstacles that limit their ability to combat GBV and promote women's rights. The absence of an innovative and flexible financing system to enhance the contributions of diverse CSOs in the Global South toward reducing GBV. Objectives of the Programme To Improve the sustainability of feminist CSOs at the organizational and technical levels by proposing an inclusive approach to capacity building. To support the resilience and diversity of feminist CSOs through access to flexible, sustainable financing mechanisms tailored to small and/or informal and/or marginalized CSOs. To strengthen a networked movement of feminist CSOs in the Global South, linking these CSOs and national, regional, and international networks, to make their voices heard on the public stage. To promote innovation at all levels of the programme by the CSOs themselves and the consortium member organisations. Targets of the Programme Feminist CSOs working with and/or for the various structurally excluded groups. Activist organizations working with or led by people who may face particularly high discrimination. Gender inequalities and GBV, such as members of the LGBTI+ community and in general people with diverse sexual orientation and gender identities and Gender Expressions (SOGIE). People living with disabilities. People with HIV/AIDS. Sex workers. Indirectly, targets of advocacy activities (regional bodies, national / local authorities, etc) Approaches of the Programme FON seeks to empower feminist organizations through subgrants to create more diverse and resilient CSOs in their efforts to address and respond to gender-based violence, inequalities, discrimination, and other human rights violations related to gender. To support this mission, FON will establish Regional Coordination and Advisory Committees in each region—Africa, Asia, and Latin America. These committees will play a crucial role in promoting inclusiveness and identifying opportunities for advocacy. The subgranting process will be structured into three funding windows, with the first call for proposals set to launch in April 2023: Window 1 : Boost The goal of this window is to enhance the capacity of feminist CSOs to navigate external challenges (such as political instability or insecurity) and internal obstacles (such as organizational difficulties, need for co-funding or additional program components). This window also provides flexibility, allowing CSOs to apply for grants to seize new opportunities in programming or advocacy. Window 2: Programmatic & Organizational Development This window is designed to support small and mid-sized CSOs aiming to grow their organizational, technical, and programmatic capacities. It aims to fund specific programs while simultaneously strengthening the overall capacity of the recipient organizations. Window 3: Synergies This window will provide funding for networks, movements, and alliances to carry out advocacy activities related to GBV and for organizations looking to join existing networks. It focuses on fostering network and alliance building and increasing visibility on national, regional, and international platforms. Location Justification Equity is a fundamental component of the FON implementation strategy. The programme will be carried out in 10 countries: six in Africa (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Kenya, and Niger), two in Latin America (Colombia and Mexico), and two in Asia (Bangladesh and Sri Lanka). The selection of these locations was carefully considered based on the following criteria: Countries where there is a strong need for CSO support and a high potential for exchanges and collaborations. Locations with existing normative and policy frameworks that are not fully implemented or respected in national laws. Countries with significant and varied needs among their populations, indicating a broad potential for learning and training. Contexts where gender-based violence is prevalent, increasing the necessity for support to feminist CSOs. Opportunities for collaboration with other existing and/or new initiatives. Find out more about FON in English, French or Spanish
| 31 January 2022
Strengthening coordination to increase Access for Adolescents and Youth to SRHR
The project aims to strengthen the coordination of interventions on adolescents and young people’s access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (AY SRHR) information and services. Budget: 250,000 USD Donor: nThe David and Lucile Packard Foundation Timeline: 2 Years (January 2020 – April 2022) Project implementation areas: Africa Partners: AUC/ UNFPA/UNESCO/GIMAC Other interesting information: Through the project, youth and adolescents SHRH are mainstreamed in the key policy instrument of and processes of the African Union./ The Project coordinated the establishment of the cluster on life skills education and career guidance to respond to the changes in the provision of sexuality education on the continent. (Linking Education and SRHR). Key achievements to date: Sexual Health Campaign / Mental Health Campaign - Co-lead the conversation on the reporting of the State of the World’s children 2021. Advocacy2Action Capacity Building Training/ GIMAC Youth Advocacy Training Africa Girls Summit / Conducting conversations in key international moments - Egumeni sessions series with the AUC on different topics. Life Skills and Career Guidance Cluster: New members joined the Cluster / Development of the Continental Strategy for Education for Health and Well-being in Africa Innovative approaches: Profiling young people, advocates to lead on the key events within the AUC (Dubai Expo/ AU Summit) /Inclusive approaches of youth-led initiatives in advancing the Advocacy work on SRHR and Mental Health across the continent. Lessons learned: Enhancement of reciprocal communication among partners and cluster members/ Strategize the way forward, follow-up and evaluation of the project activities.
| 31 January 2022
Advancing International Legal, Policy and Financial Commitments to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
The project aims to create a network of progressive Civil Society Organizations, women, youth-led organizations advocating for SRHR at the regional level and advance the re(commitment) of AU member states to the regional outcome documents/positions and policies. Budget: 160,000 USD Donor: RFSU Timeline: 2 Years ( 2020 – August 2022 ) Project implementation areas: All 55 AU member states, AUC, RECs Partners: AU, UNECA, Policy Makers and Diplomatic corps, GAAP partners Other interesting information: The project leverages on major regional processes including GIMAC, ACHPR, ARFSD and other major regional and international days to organize side events and influence outcome documents for a progressive commitment on SRHR Key achievements to date: Capacity building sessions for young people Side events on major processes and influence outcome documents Enhance partners knowledge and engagement on regional SRHR revolutions Increased IPPFAR visibility Policy briefs on Abortion, CSE, and non-discrimination Innovative approaches: Series of Webinars Leveraging on regional SRHR initiatives (EAC SRHR bill, EHW strategy) Challenge: sensitivity of the thematics for advocacy Lessons learned: Leverage on collaborations with Partners Building on IPPF’s position at the GAAP partnership
| 31 January 2022
Feminist Opportunities Now (FON)
The objective of the project is to build the capacity of women's movements, via sub-grants and organizational development support, especially for small organizations, often non-registered, to address and respond to gender-based violence. Budget: 14,000 000 EUR Donor: Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Timeline: 4 years (Start date – Q2 of 2022) Project implementation areas: Mexico and Columbia in Latin-America (led by MdM), Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in Asia (led by CREA) and Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guinea the Ivory Cost, Kenya and Mali (led by IPPFARO) Partners: IPPF ARO, Médecins du Monde (MdM), Creating Resources for Empowerment in Action (CREA), FIDH (International Federation on Human Rights) & Empow’Her. Other interesting information: It is the first time IPPF has received direct funding from AFD, the first time we are partnering with these new consortium partners and delivering on a large global project. The project is supporting CSOs in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Mexico, Niger, Sri Lanka.