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IPPFAR is alarmed by Uganda’s ruling upholding draconian Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023

Nairobi, Kenya: 3 April 2024 – The International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Region (IPPFAR) is appalled by the ruling to uphold Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023.  This regressive la...

Nairobi, Kenya: 3 April 2024 – The International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Region (IPPFAR) is appalled by the ruling to uphold Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023.  This regressive law violates human rights including sexual and reproductive rights, impacting not only the LGBTIQ+ community but all Ugandans.

IPPFAR is deeply concerned by the Constitutional Court’s statement following the ruling, which implies a conflict between universal human rights on the one hand, and the diversity of cultures on the other. This is a dangerous path. The foundational tenet of human rights is that they are applicable to all simply because we exist as human beings, regardless of any other status. This must be defended at all costs.  

"We wholeheartedly condemn the decision to uphold this abhorrent law. IPPFAR reiterates that Human Rights are universal, indivisible and inalienable. We stand in solidarity with those who continue to fight against the injustices inflicted by this law on Ugandans", stated Marie-Evelyne Petrus-Barry, IPPF Africa Regional Director.

IPPFAR also notes with alarm the framing of the rights of LGBTIQ+ people in Uganda as conflicting with broader communal or societal rights. This is a continuation of the ‘othering’ of members of the community and contributes to their exclusion, discrimination, and precarious safety situation.

Local Ugandan civil society organizations have documented a significant increase in arrests, physical assaults against the LGBTIQ+ community, threats to the safety of civil society organizations, and a distressing rise in hate speech targeting LGBTIQ+ individuals and their allies since the law was enacted.

"As the foremost provider of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in Africa, we are deeply concerned that this law will have a harmful impact on our delivery of vital SRH services in the country due to the fear of individuals seeking healthcare, including HIV treatment, being targeted, persecuted, or discriminated against", added Marie-Evelyne Petrus-Barry.

This devastating decision is a setback and is a call to action to resist increasing human rights violations in Uganda and across the continent. IPPFAR continues to be concerned about similar attempts to pass anti-LGBTIQ+ legislation in other African countries, as part of a growing effort to curtail SRHR and human rights more broadly.

“We must continue to push back against efforts to roll back the human rights of Africans and uphold the full enjoyment and protection of sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice for all, regardless of their background, circumstances, sexual orientation, or gender identity”, said Marie-Evelyne Petrus-Barry.

IPPFAR will continue to staunchly advocate for the sexual and reproductive health rights of all and against regressive laws and actions that limit people’s human rights and freedoms.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation is inspired by the strength and courage of human rights defenders, advocates, and activists in Uganda who continue to fight against the Anti-Homosexuality Act despite the real dangers they face. They have led the fight, and this is our collective continued struggle.

We call on all stakeholders to support local activists as they are often at the forefront in the effort for the realization of human rights for all, including SRHR.

IPPFAR stands in unwavering solidarity with the LGBTIQ+ community, wherever they may be.


For more on IPPFAR's statements on the Anti-Homosexuality Act in Uganda:

23 March 2023

Uganda: IPPF Africa Region strongly urges the government not to enact the new harmful anti – LGBTIQ+ law

10 May 2023

Uganda: IPPF Africa Region Urges President Museveni to Veto Harmful New Anti-Rights Law Targeting LGBTIQ+ Community

30 May 2023

IPPF Africa Condemns Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act as a Violation of Human Rights And Sexual And Reproductive Rights


For further information or to request an interview, please contact:

-Mahmoud GARGA, Lead Strategic Communication, Voice and Media, IPPF Africa Regional Office (IPPFAR) – email: [email protected] / Tel: +254 704 626 920



The International Planned Parenthood Federation Africa Region (IPPFAR) is one of the leading sexual and reproductive health (SRH) service delivery organization in Africa, and a leading sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) advocacy voice in the region. Headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, the overarching goal of IPPFAR is to increase access to SRHR services to the most vulnerable youth, men and women in sub-Saharan Africa.

Supported by thousands of volunteers, IPPFAR tackles the continent’s growing SRHR challenges through a network of Member Associations (MAs) in 40 countries. We do this by developing our MAs into efficient entities with the capacity to deliver and sustain high quality, youth focused and gender sensitive services. We work with Governments, the African Union, Regional Economic Commissions, the Pan-African Parliament, United Nations bodies among others to expand political and financial commitments to sexual and reproductive health and rights in Africa.

Learn more about us on our website. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.






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