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  About EmpowHER: EmpowHER (Ensuring Inclusive SRHR Delivery for Women, Girls and Marginalised Communities) is a six-year initiative with three key priority areas:



About EmpowHER:

EmpowHER (Ensuring Inclusive SRHR Delivery for Women, Girls and Marginalised Communities) is a six-year initiative with three key priority areas:

  1. Increasing access to quality, person-centred abortion care.

  2. Empowering young people to act on their sexual and reproductive rights by expanding access to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE). This is delivered through our CSE Centres of Excellence in Ghana, Togo and Colombia. 

  3. Pushing back against the anti-rights agenda through coalition and movement-building, as well as advocacy work with our Member Associations.

This restricted-funded project will support IPPF’s Strategy 2028 and donor commitments to advance the health and rights of women and girls in all their diversity around the world, ensuring that they can decide what to do with their bodies, their lives, and their futures.

Donor: Global Affairs Canada

Implementing MAs: Bénin (Association Béninoise pour la Promotion de la Famille) Burkina Faso (ABBEF), Colombia (Profamilia), Ecuador (CEMOPLAF), Ghana (PPAG), Guinea-Bissau (AGUIBEF), Kenya (RHN), Mauritania, (AMPF) Pakistan (FPAP), Sudan (SFPA), Togo (ATBEF), Uganda (RHU), and Zambia (PPAZ). 

Duration: 1st April 2024 – 31st March 2030 (6 years)

Total Budget: CAD $48,000,000 



Benin, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Mauritania, Pakistan, Sudan, Togo, Uganda, Zambia