The project seeks to contribute to the reduction of gender inequalities through the empowerment of youth and the technical strengthening of local feminist CSOs towards the transformation of gender norms in favour of the sexual rights of adolescents and youth.
Budget: 899,996 EUR
Donor: Fonds de Solidarité pour les Projets Innovants (FSPi)
Timeline: 2 Years (April 2021 – March 2023)
Project implementation areas: Niger, Chad and Burkina Faso
Partners: Association Nigérienne pour le Bien Êtr e Familial (ANBEF), Association Burkinabè pour le Bien Être Familial (ABBEF), Association Tchadienne pour le Bien Être Familial (ASTBEF) and Association Togolaise pour le Bien Être Familial (ATBEF)
Key achievements to date:
- 3 Member Association (MA) supported through MA-to-MA support from ATBEF,
- More than 600 trainers of trainees trained in Gender and SRH,
- 100 Youth and feminist associations strengthened in local communities,
- The organisation of more than 200 community talks on SRHR and gender equality, supported by approaches and channels adapted to the beneficiaries, made it possible to reach 2,299 people, including 1,374 girls and 925 adolescent boys and young people, on unwanted pregnancies, family planning, STIs, HIV/AIDS and contraception.
Innovative approaches: This project uses the MA-to-MA Approach, south-south collaboration & Peer to Peer support where ATBEF is supporting the 3 implementing MAs. Active collaboration with Youth and feminist associations at grassroot level.
Lessons learned:
Public and private collaboration is critical as well as the need to document best practices. The involvement of the central level (Ministries) in the implementation of the project positively influences the operational levels and strengthens their commitment to the project activities and makes them feel more accountable. Also, collaboration with the health, education and gender departments has enabled the project teams to benefit from technical support for access to pupils, teachers, and parents, to have an orientation on current policies in relation to the projects, and to be accompanied in the training.
Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso
Gender equality