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Annual Report IPPFAR 2023


IPPF Africa Region Annual Performance Report 2023

IPPF Africa Region Annual Performance Report 2023

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IPPF Africa Region Annual Performance Report 2023

This comprehensive report reflects our efforts to remain a leading provider of quality sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, and a vocal advocate for sexual and reproductive rights, with a strong focus on empowering women, girls, and young people on the African continent.

Despite facing significant challenges, such as global funding cuts and political instability, IPPFAR’s Member associations and Collaborative Partners successfully delivered over 90 million SRH services in 2023. These include 2.3 million abortion services, preventing over 13,000 maternal deaths and averting 1.3 million unsafe abortions. Our advocacy initiatives were instrumental in influencing key policies, while our youth engagement efforts flourished, with 51% of services provided to individuals under 24.

Moreover, IPPFAR proactively responded to humanitarian crises, extended services to marginalized populations, and embraced digital innovations to improve access to SRH services across the region.

We extend a special thank you to our Member Associations and Collaborative Partners for their valuable contributions. This report would not have been possible without their unwavering support and commitment to our shared goals.


IPPF Africa Annual Performance Report 2023

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