| 31 March 2016
Association Burkinabé pour le Bien-Etre Familial
Association Burkinabé pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ABBEF) was set up in 1985. Staff and over 1,000 volunteers work to provide sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to poor and marginalized people. Services include antenatal and post-natal care, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV and AIDS, provision of antiretroviral drugs, voluntary counseling and testing (VCT), screening for cancers of the reproductive system, post-abortion care, prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV and AIDS, and home-based care for people living with HIV and AIDS. ABBEF’s work reaches out to the poor and marginalized, and the organization runs special initiatives focused on reaching young people on the streets, people living with HIV and AIDS, and students. Professional training is provided to young people, including members of ABBEF’s Youth Action Movement, which enables them to participate in small-scale profitable ventures and escape poverty. The nation has severe SRH challenges in terms of lifetime risk of maternal death and unmet need for contraception. One of the most serious issues in Burkina Faso is the 66% prevalence of female genital mutilation: a psychologically traumatic experience, an infringement of human rights and a source of substantial physical damage requiring major medical intervention. ABBEF works in partnership with the Ministry of Health, the Secretariat Permanent des Organisations Non-Gouvernementales (SPONG), Réseau des ONG en population et développement (REOPOD) and a range of funders including UNFPA, the EU, UNICEF and DANIDA. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.abbef.net/
| 31 March 2016
Association Burundaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial
Set up in 1991, the Association Burundaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial's (ABUBEF) original mission was to deliver family planning. Over 20 years later, the organization operates a large number of services across a broad range of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) needs, including prevention and management of HIV and AIDS, youth-friendly counselling and education, pre-marital counselling, and antenatal and post-natal care. It accomplished this through 18 service points, including static and mobile clinics, and community-based services. An estimated 80% of its clients are poor, marginalized, socially excluded and/or under-served. Particular beneficiaries of ABUBEF’s services include young people living with HIV and AIDS, internally displaced persons, women of child-bearing age, sex workers, drug users and street children. ABUBEF delivers its service through a dedicated team which includes 81 staff, nearly 500 volunteers, 75 peer educators and well over 1,000 community-based distributors (CBDs). Their commitment to ABUBEF is crucial to the nation’s current and future sexual and reproductive health. ABUBEF’s partners include donors such as UNFPA, FHI, CARE and CNLS, and it works together with organizations including Réseau National des Jeunes Engagés pour la Lutte Contre le Sida (RENAJES) and the Association pour la Promotion de la Fille Burundaise (APFB). Website: http://www.abubef.org/
| 31 March 2016
Association Centrafricaine pour le Bien-Etre Familial
Sexual and reproductive health (SHR) statistics for the Central African Republic are some of the poorest on the continent. The need for proper, informed, accessible, safe, stigma-free sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services is paramount. The Association Centrafricaine pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ACABEF) came into being in 1987, expressly to address the urgent need for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. Working intensively within communities, the organization has grown rapidly over the years and now provides sexuality education and SRH services including family planning, gynaecological counselling and care, post-abortion care, antenatal care and voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV. ACABEF operates permanent and mobile clinics with community-based distribution sites (CBDs). In addition to full-time health personnel and administrative staff, the organization relies on the dedicated support of hundreds of volunteers, a Youth Action Movement and over a hundred trained peer educators. And ACABEF's outcomes are impressive. The majority of all services were provided to poor, marginalized, socially excluded and/or under-served people. ACABEF works in partnership with the government ministries in charge of planning, health and family and social affairs. It benefits from the support of CISJEU and its donors include UNFPA and Population Services International. ACABEF has close working relationships include CIONGCA (which coordinates the response of all NGOs working at national level), the Central African Network of People living with HIV (RECAPEV), the Réseau des Organisations Nationales de Lutte contre le SIDA (RONALSI) and Amis d’Afrique.
| 31 March 2016
Association Comorienne pour le Bien-Etre de la Famille
Located off the eastern coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean, Comoros is an archipelago of 4 islands at the northern end of the Mozambique Channel between northeaster Mozambique and northwestern Madagascar. At a little over 1,800 square kilometres, it’s the third smallest nation in Africa, but has over 700,000 inhabitants. It is one of the most densely populated countries on the continent. A third of the population are women of reproductive age and the absence of essential health services presents major risks to their health and survival. High fertility levels allied to low contraceptive uptake, and widespread poverty combine to drive high risks related to sexual and reproductive health (SRH). In response, the Association Comorienne pour le Bien-Être Famille (ASCOBEF) is delivering a comprehensive range of sexual and reproductive health programmes and services. These include family planning, gynaecological counselling and services, antenatal care, information, education and communication (IEC) programmes and behaviour change communications (BCC) activities to promote health-seeking behaviour. It is also playing a major advocacy role in the fight against gender-based violence, and has provided extensive victim support. The majority of ASCOBEF's clients are poor, marginalized, socially excluded and/or under-served. ASCOBEF deliver services and programmes supported by volunteers, Youth Action Movement members and peer educators. ASCOBEF works in partnership with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) including Réseau Femmes et Développement. It receives financial support from UNFPA, the Global Fund, UNICEF and the World Health Organization. Contacts Website: www.ascobef.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Association-Comorienne-Pour-Le-Bien-Etre-De-La-Familla-Ascobef-1514140762210292/
| 31 March 2016
Association Congolaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial
The Association Congolaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ACBEF) opened its doors for the first time in 1987. Then it was a small operation dedicated to attending to the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of the urban poor. 25 years later, ACBEF reaches out to the whole country through a network of over 100 community-based distributors (CBDs) backed by static clinics and permanent staff. In addition, ACBEF relies on over 1,000 volunteers, including fully-trained peer educators and a Youth Action Movement. ACBEF provides a comprehensive range of services covering integrated family palnning, voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), prevention and management of HIV and AIDS, post-abortion care, antenatal and post-natal care, youth-friendly education and information projects, contraceptive and laboratory services. Stigma and taboos around HIV and AIDS are strong in Congo, and ACBEF is engaged in major re-education and sensitization on this front. ACBEF aims its work at a wide public, with particular emphasis on young people (aged 25 and under), internally displaced people, sex workers and women of child-bearing age. Work occurs in both rural and urban areas. With high visibility in the national media, ABCEF is making major inroads in SRH in a very difficult environment. ABCEF works in close partnership with the government’s ministries of Health, Foreign Affairs, and Gender, and with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) including Jeunesse Action Sida. ABCEF receives financial support from the European Union, UNFPA and the Congolese Government. Website: http://www.acbef.org/
| 31 March 2016
Association Guinéenne pour le Bien-Etre Familial
Established in 1985, IPPF’s Member Association in Guinea-Conakry faces many stark sexual and reproductive health (SRH) challenges including some of the highest fertility and child mortality rates in the world, coupled with very low levels of contraceptive use. The Association Guinéenne pour le Bien-être Familial (AGBEF) has mounted a vigorous response to these challenges. Through its services points (static clinics, mobile clinics, associated clinics, community-based distributors (CBDs) and community-based services (CBSs) the organization reaches out to poor and marginalized groups with a particular emphasis on young women and men, and displaced persons and refugees. The Member Association’s services include disseminating information, education and communication around sexual and reproductive health (SRH); youth-friendly SRH services; prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV and AIDS through interventions such as voluntary counselling and testing (VCT); improving access to contraceptives at community level; and advocating and mobilizing the public to demand their SRH rights. AGBEF’s team includes volunteers, peer educators and thousand of CBDs. Its youth action movement has a membership of over 100. The Member Association partners with government departments and large international NGOs to promote and develop its work.